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Breakfast Club

Map Pin IconAll Sites, Cardiff

Clock Icon9:30 - 10:00

Calendar IconApril 19, 2023

Map Pin IconAll Sites, Cardiff

Clock Icon9:30 - 10:00

Calendar IconApril 19, 2023

Breakfast Club Image

Join us on the third Wednesday of every month for breakfast club! 

What is Breakfast Club?   


Each month, we invite our community to join us for breakfast from 9.30-10:00am across all our sites, Grangetown, OCS, Goodsheds and Griffin Place. 


Who is Breakfast Club for?   


Breakfast Club at Tramshed Tech is a member only event. There's no need to book and zero pressure to network. It's simply an opportunity for you to drop in, grab a bite for breakfast and have a chat with new and familiar faces.