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Grangetown Fire Plan

Assembly Point: End of Dinas Street

Opposite the main TRAMSHED TECH reception where the dead end of Dinas Street meets Pendyris Street.

On Discovering a Fire

1.    Raise the Alarm. This is done by activating the automatic fire alarm system, by breaking the glass in the nearest alarm call point and alert everyone in the building.

2.    Vacate the building by leaving the nearest EXIT.

3.    Close doors and windows when leaving rooms.

4.    If the fire is only small and you feel confident what kind of fire it is, tackle it with the correct fire extinguisher. REMEMBER: Always leave an escape route behind you.

5.    Assist disabled/injured people, without placing your own safety at risk.

6.    DO NOT STOP to collect personal belongings.

7.    Report to your ‘FIRE ASSEMBLY POINT’ which has been nominated as: Opposite Tramshed Tech Main Reception where Pendyris Street meets Dinas Street

REMEMBER: Take care to cross the road in a safe and orderly manner.

TT: On Hearing the Fire Alarm

Tramshed Tech staff are responsible for:

1.     Ringing the Fire Brigade

2.    Ensuring that the common areas are evacuated.

3.     Check the Fire Panel, in reception, to see which zone the fire has been detected in and make a note in order to safe time when the Fire Service arrive.

4.     Collecting the NexIO sign-in iPad and the First Aid bag and Accident Book.

5.     Ensuring that ALL members & tenants have accounted for their staff and visitors and liaise with the Fire Service when they arrive.

Tenants: On Hearing the Fire Alarm

Tenants staff are responsible for:

  1. Ensuring that ALL visitors and Staff are accounted for.

  2. Vacating the building by the nearest FIRE EXIT — closing doors and windows if possible

  3. Assembling at the designated FIRE ASSEMBLY POINT.

  4. Reporting to TRAMSHED TECH staff with information on employees accounted for and missing.


Never return to the PREMISES unless told it is safe to do so by the Fire Officer in charge at the time.

See below the plan of the nearest fire exits

Grangetown Fire Plan Map