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6 Reasons Why Roaming Memberships Are a Game Changer For Your Business

Around 77% of coworking operators surveyed by Coworking Resources said that they planned to expand by opening in new locations. With new locations, comes new types of coworking memberships — and this includes roaming memberships. Learn more about why roaming memberships are a gamechanger for your business here!

Around 77% of coworking operators surveyed by Coworking Resources said that they planned to expand by opening in new locations. With new locations, comes new types of coworking memberships — and this includes roaming memberships. 

A roaming membership allows you to work in different, designated coworking spaces across the UK, under one membership. This keeps things fresh for you and your employees, but it also enables you to expand your social network and open up new opportunities. Indeed, research shows that 80% of coworking users have expanded their social networks as a result of joining a flexible workspace, which could include future clients, potential business partners, or just like-minded friends. 

After all, what we once understood as “work” no longer exists;  all rules are out the window. A roaming membership gives you the freedom to complete your work days how, and where, you see fit. 

Keep reading to find out how a roaming membership can be a game changer for your business and team.

1. Multiple Sites

How many workplaces do you know that can offer you multiple sites to work in?

As we reimagine the future of work, we also reimagine the future of the office; it is no longer in one fixed location or in our home, but can be in different spaces around the world. Indeed, flexibility is built into the heart of roaming coworking memberships; it embraces the notion that you (and your team) can have the space you need, when and where you need it, without the need for a long-term lease. Longer opening times also mean that you have the flexibility to work different hours, on different days, on different weeks, in a different space, in a different spot! 

Although the concept of coworking is not brand new, roaming memberships fulfil our now more immediate need for a flexible office, and a better work/life balance as a result. 


“Nothing is normal, so everything needs to be flexible.” - Lucy Hopkins, Communications Manager at Tramshed Tech


At Tramshed Tech, we’re replicating what we do best in Grangetown, elsewhere. If you've visited our Grangetown hub, then you’ll know about some of the great services that we offer. With our big ambitions, we don’t want to stop building more communities and businesses, and supporting as many entrepreneurs as we can. 


Interested in working in one of our South Wales spaces? Get in touch today.

2. Create New Connections 

If you’re a solo entrepreneur, making connections can be difficult. This is where a roaming membership can help. Whether you’re looking for a potential investor, people to join your business, or just a friend in the same position, working in new spaces means new connections, and new opportunities as a result. 

As coworking spaces tend to run events, workshops, academies, meet-ups or other growth opportunities with like-minded people in their hubs, you will never be short of a chance to mingle either. At Tramshed Tech, our events encourage people to meet, chat, connect and share contacts — and have a great time doing it. 

3. Startup? You Won’t Be Alone

A common theme that pops up in our community of entrepreneurs is loneliness. At any stage of your journey, but particularly at the start, it’s hard to go it alone. A roaming membership with a coworking space combats this. Through easily accessible hubs, with around-the-clock support from like-minded people, you can feel like part of a wider, supportive team — even if you’re on your own. 

This is even better if your coworking hub is an ecosystem — a space specifically designed to encourage connection, innovation and growth, “formed by startups in their various stages and various types of organisations, interacting as a system to create and support new companies.” One way in which Tramshed Tech offers businesses support is through their award-winning Startup Academy, designed for early-stage startups to help with their product development and customer acquisition.

4. More Freedom 

In 2022, we’ve noticed that more businesses have adopted flexible work schedules that are supported with the use of coworking spaces. This includes hybrid work, where employees will split their time between home and a coworking space, and flexible hours or shorter weeks — supported by hot desks and flexi offices. 

Freedom to roam comes with the freedom to choose. 

At Tramshed Tech, our members' freedom is our main focus; we want to give you the choice to decide where you want to work, how you want to work, and who you want to work with. One day you might want to venture somewhere new, and another you might need to stay closer to home — and that’s OK! Roaming memberships give you the flexibility and freedom to dictate what your working day looks like. 

5. (Re)connect With Your Team

Since the pandemic, work culture has dramatically changed. Although people have more opportunities to embrace flexible work, and there is more access to mental health support, virtual work sometimes means that teams have lost touch. (Re)connect and reunite with your team in a space that works for them.

6. Growth Opportunities

Don’t forget that as coworking spaces venture to new locations, they’ll be making lots of new connections too. Whether you need investment advice, another business’s service, or someone to brainstorm with, these hubs are filled with well-established businesses (and partners, collaborators, contacts) that can help support and grow your business over time. 

Starting and growing a business isn’t easy. Our vibrant community of business owners, entrepreneurs, mentors and investors are here to help you build and scale your business. For more support with your business growth, including skills training and specialist partnership programmes, find out more about Tramshed Tech and our coworking spaces.


We are Tramshed Tech: a startup ecosystem home to 50+ companies ranging from pre-revenue start-ups to scaling businesses with 600+ registered members from the digital, creative and tech communities. We’re currently based in Grangetown, Cardiff Central & Newport, soon to expand to other sites across South Wales, like Barry and Swansea


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