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Celebrating Our 100th virtual Event

Today at Tramshed Tech we celebrate our 100th virtual event since the start of the pandemic. With the help of our we've all been able to stay connected, spark new connections and continue to innovate.

Celebrating Our 100th virtual Event

Today at Tramshed Tech we celebrate our 100th virtual event since the start of the pandemic.

We couldn't have done it without our amazing partners and guest speakers to whom we'd like to send a massive thanks.

Since the start of the pandemic, our community has helped support one another and find new ways of working together — and wi

th your help we've all been able to stay connected, spark new connections and continue to innovate.

Alongside our virtual events we've delivered 25 Digital Skills Courses and secured a further 100 work-based-learner programmes with partners such as Hodge Bank, the Focus Enterprise Hubs, NatWest, Leonard Cheshire, the UK Tech Cluster Group, Coadec, Creative Wales and Microsoft. And we're not done there!

virtual events

This week we've started the fourth iteration of our Startup Academy accelerator with Focus Enterprise Hubs in Newtown and Carmarthen and have a number of exciting events upcoming >>

As we look ahead to slowly bring back our in-person events (starting with Bitcoin Wales this Wednesday, 14th July) we will continue delivering our virtual events programme and have some exciting announcements coming soon...


Get involved by checking out our events page >>

Feedback from our past sessions...

“I thought this was the best virtual networking event I have attended since the beginning of COVID — the information shared was relevant and to the point.”
– Event participant
“Friendly hosts and useful information”
– Event participant
“Simply described and personal presentation"
– Event participant
"Excellent Q&A, I got some valuable information about how to choose a business partner"
– Startup Academy participant
"The workshop was designed with consideration and care, based on practical examples and distilling the new product management process."
– Startup Academy participant


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