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How To Tap Into Your Creative Energy

An insight into how to tap into your creative energy when you're in a creative rut.

How To Tap Into Your Creative Energy

Nurturing your creative energy is essential for coming up with new ideas and striving to achieve your goals. 

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or not, it can be difficult when you’re going through the motions day to day but can’t seem to get out of a creative rut.

If you’re struggling with accountability because you’re experiencing creative burnout, there are various ways to tap into your creative energy.

These ways include, but are not limited to:

  1. Change up your routine
  2. Get out and exercise 
  3. Join a coworking space 
  4. Try meditating 
  5. Take time out of your work schedule to travel
  6. Limit reactionary workflow 


1. Change Up Your Routine 


The first way to tap into your creative energy is to change up your routine.

It’s no secret that routines simplify life, and once you’ve been out of one for a while, humans tend to crave that sense of normalcy again.

However, as your routine can become so habitual, you can find yourself on autopilot a lot of the time.

To remain present and tap into your creativity, try changing up your routine. For instance, adding morning walk into your routine, trying flexible working, or journaling for 10 minutes every day can significantly help your creative energy.

While there will always be non-negotiables in your routine, small changes can make all the difference.

How to tap into your creative energy

Nurturing your creative energy is essential for coming up with new ideas and striving to achieve your goals. 

2. Get Out & Exercise


Another way to tap into your creativity is to simply get out and exercise.

Whether you’re a regular gym goer, prefer playing a sport, or simply like to get outside for a walk, exercise can do the world of good for your creative energy. 

Studies have ‘reported positive relations of physical activity (or everyday bodily movement) with executive functioning, [and] some even showed effects on creative thinking’, emphasising the impact exercise can have on your creativity.

So, get outside, move your body, and return to your work rejuvenated and ready to take on your next creative challenge. 


3. Join A Coworking Space 


Another way to tap into your creative energy is to join a coworking space.

If you find being an entrepreneur or CEO is a lonely job or simply don’t enjoy working from home, a coworking space can provide the perfect solution.

Coworking spaces allow you to bounce ideas off one another, network, and make friends. 

Being surrounded by a range of different businesses and people from all walks of life can be hugely inspiring and help you brainstorm numerous ideas. 

At Tramshed Tech, we offer a range of coworking memberships, from day passes all the way up to full-time memberships.

Visit our site or get in touch with a member of our team to learn more about our coworking spaces today.

How to tap into your creativity

Coworking spaces allow you to bounce ideas off one another, network, and make friends. 

4. Try Meditating  


An effective way to tap into your creative energy is to try meditating.

Meditating can help you to gain perspective on stressful situations, focus on the present, and increase your imagination and creativity to name a few benefits.

If you’ve never meditated before, or struggle to sit still, a guided meditation for your first few tries can be hugely helpful.

Meditation can help you to overcome prevalent problems such as imposter syndrome in business to creativity blocks.

Apps such as Headspace offer a free subscription and are great for getting you out of your head and helping you to be present in the moment. 


5. Take Time Out Of Your Work Schedule To Travel


There’s nothing like visiting a new place to get your creative juices flowing.

Experiencing new places, foods, and cultures, can be hugely beneficial for providing inspiration and creativity and can help you to plan a successful year by setting creative goals you’d like to achieve. 

If you’re limited financially, you don’t need to travel abroad to reap the benefits of taking time out of your busy schedule to explore a new place.

Whether you want to be amongst nature or explore a new city, the UK boasts some of the best staycations. 

From the mountains of Snowdonia to Cornwall’s seaside towns to the Scottish Highlands, there are so many wonderful places to explore across the UK.

So, if you can afford to take time out of your schedule to travel, this can be an excellent way to reset your creativity.

Methods to tap into your creative energy

Experiencing new places, foods, and cultures, can be hugely beneficial for providing inspiration and creativity and can help you to plan a successful year by setting creative goals you’d like to achieve. 

6. Limit Reactionary Workflow 


In this modern day and age, we’ve never been easier to reach, and life is geared to distract us from achieving our short-term and long-term goals.

The constant influx of emails, text messages, and push notifications we receive on a daily basis are specifically designed to stop you from doing what you’re doing, which is often referred to as reactionary workflow.

If you don’t set strict boundaries by limiting the time you take to react to these distractions, this can sap your creative energy before your day even starts.

Silencing notifications and setting a time limit on how long you answer emails before starting your creative project can significantly help limit distractions and improve focus and attention when working

In turn, these small changes can help you to protect your creative energy.


Hopefully this article has provided you with some inspiration on how to tap into your creative energy. 


We are Tramshed Tech: a startup ecosystem home to 50+ companies ranging from pre-revenue start-ups to scaling businesses with 600+ registered members from the digital, creative and tech communities. We’re currently based in Grangetown, Cardiff Central & Newport, as well as Barry and Swansea

If you’re interested in joining us at any of our locations, please don’t hesitate to get in touch

Written by Jemima Thomas for Tramshed Tech.



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